This page contains info about my neovim config, called neovim-zen. You can find the repo for my config at neovim-zen
neovim-zen is my first attempt at doing neovim from scratch
I wanted to have a minimal text editor that I actually understood how it worked. I tried community setups like LazyVim but disliked them becuase they had a bunch of keymaps that I didn't make so I didn't understand what was actually happening and often had to search how to do something.
This is why I wanted to neovim from scratch, so I could customize everything the way I wanted to and only have plugins I wanted. Creating my own neovim config would mean I wouldn't have to search how do something in it since I'm the person who made it.
Here are the plugins in my neovim setup as of right now. (from my lazy-lock.json)
=> fetched from https://github.com/maxhu08/neovim-zen/blob/master/lazy-lock.json
in 0.000ms
I used this video as a rough guide to do neovim from scratch:
This video was very useful for setting up lsp and it used lazy.nvim which is what I was looking for.
While following the video, I customized things such as the keymaps and how plugins are configured. I also added plugins I wanted like noice.nvim and flash.nvim. I also replaced alpha.nvim with dashboard.nvim
In the next section, I will go over how to install my setup, neovim-zen
# quick-startTo setup neovim-zen you need to have these programs installed
- neovim
- a true color terminal (e.g. kitty)
- a nerd font like (ttf-firacode-nerd)
- nodejs and npm
- ripgrep
$ pacman -S neovim
First install a true color like kitty, I prefer kitty over alacritty because it supports ligatures like this -> => >= <= == !=
$ pacman -S kitty
Next install a nerd font to display icons properly. I use ttf-firacode-nerd. I'll also install ttf-apple-emoji for displaying emojis.
$ pacman -S ttf-fira-code ttf-firacode-nerd
ttf-apple-emoji is from the aur
$ paru -S ttf-apple-emoji
Install nodejs and npm which will be needed for some plugins. I also installed pnpm since it's faster than npm
$ pacman -S nodejs npm pnpm
Lastly, install ripgrep which is needed for telescope
$ pacman -S ripgrep
I'll also install eslint and biome which will be using for linting. Use (npm/yarn/pnpm/bun)
$ bun i -g eslint biome
After that just follow these commands to copy my config into your ~/.config/nvim
# backup old neovim config
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.bak}
# optional backup
mv ~/.local/share/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.local/state/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.cache/nvim{,.bak}
# copy neovim-zen config
git clone https://github.com/maxhu08/neovim-zen ~/.config/nvim
# remove .git folder so you can add your own repo later
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
# start nvim !
That's it!
# using-neovim-zenFor using neovim, the keymappings are the most important thing, which applies to all neovim configs. So I'll talk about how I set up my keymappings first.
I tried to keep all the keymaps easy to remember. I follow a pattern, keymaps starting with <leader>s are for managing splits, <leader>t is for managing tabs, and so on.
I also made it so the most common actions are done by pressing the key twice. Like pressing <leader><leader> opens telescope, <leader>ss creates a new vertical split,<leader>tt creates a tab. So pressing a key twice is usually for creating or opening something new. Except for the file tree, nvim-tree which is opened with <leader>e
Next, I made it so pressing a key then l closes it. For example closing the current focused split is just <leader>sl and closing a tab is just <leader>tl. I usually remember it as l stands for `lose` and l is also easier to press than x for me.
Here are some other important keybinds:
other important keybinds
- <leader>ca - code actions
- <leader>srn - smart rename
- <C-space> - cmp
- g? - show documentation
- J & K - move current line up and down
- H & L - move to prev or next tab
- <leader>nh - clear highlight after search
Lastly, for using the terminal I use tmux. I know there are plugins that allow a terminal in neovim, but I went with tmux because it's more flexible and it also has sessions which are pretty useful. To check out my tmux workflow see tmux-zen