# mtab

mtab is an extension that offers a modern new tab page, prioritizing customizability such as choosing wallpapers, bookmarks, and more. Additionally, it emphasizes a smooth user experience through its animations on the new page. Here's a video talking about it:

I made mtab because I wanted to have a clean startup page for my browser that allowed me to change my wallpaper by uploading my own files. I also wanted to make it look nice and have big buttons for the bookmarks. I also added stuff I like having keybinds like x to close the tab, which works well with the vimium extension. I also made it so pressing SPC focuses the search bar and ESC unfocuses the search bar. Lastly, I added some fancy animations.

I used parcel to bundle and transpile the code since I used typescript and tailwind which need a build step. I wanted typescript and tailwind since types make coding feel more organized and tailwind allowed me to design everything very quickly in an understandable way. This setup was pretty good since parcel had hot module reloading. I tried to keep everything minimal and make the page load fast. Everything is just html and some javascript to manage the page.